Deep Root Fertilization
Deep Root Fertilization for Trees
Deep root fertilization for trees is a process where a liquid, time-release fertilizer is pressure-injected in a grid pattern into the root zone of the tree. Supplying roots with the nutrients they need throughout the year helps combat drought, disease and ward off invasive insects. By having optimal nutrients, trees experience less stress throughout the year, keeping them happier and healthier.
Here at Elite Tree Care, we provide the ongoing tree care by applying a specially formulated liquid solution containing the macronutrients and micronutrients your trees need. This solution is placed directly into the root areas, so its benefits are felt immediately.
Though we can start any time of year, we place a special emphasis during Fall when trees become dormant and food storage within the roots begins. This time of year, the nutrients are absorbed more effectively for increased health.
Our specialized mixtures and fertilizing methods are vital for ensuring your trees get the nutrients they need so you have a thriving yard year after year. Contact us for a free consultation and to find out more!